※以下の注意文をお読みになったうえで、ご了承いただける方のみご注文くださいますようお願い致します。Please read the following warnings and thank you for ordering only those who can acknowledge it.
・当商品は未塗装、未組み立てのガレージキットです。 購入者様ご自身で組み立て、塗装を行っていただく商品となります。
This product is unpainted , unassembled garage kit .
This product is made up of parts output by 3D printer. Like ordinary resin cast, parts can be scraped, putty heap, shape corrected by overheating, and painted.
本产品由3D打印机输出的部件组成。 像普通的树脂浇铸一样,零件可以刮,腻子堆,通过过热校正形状,并涂漆。
Pedestal is not attached .
Since we will enter production after receiving your order, we will receive your time for about a week before shipping.
由于我们将在收到您的订单后进入生产,我们将在发货前大约一周收到您的时间。・海外への発送にも対応いたします。発送方法はEMS(Express Mail Service)に対応可能地域のみとさせていただきます。
oversea shipping is available.Delivery method will be made only with the corresponding possible area to the EMS (Express Mail Service)
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